Potomac Valley Cremation Center
12 Executive Park Court
Germantown, MD 20874
Why do people choose cremation? Simply put, most families today do not share the same religious beliefs and traditional values of generations before. In fact, experts are predicting that by the year 2035, more than 70% of will select cremation vs burial. Just recently in 2016, the cremation rate in the United States surpassed 50% of all services according to the National Funeral Directors Association.
Religious beliefs and tradition are not the only reasons why more and more families are choosing cremation. Yes, it’s true that for many years, burial services carried a certain level of tradition that didn’t require a second thought. However, today’s families are beginning to discover the many benefits of cremation. In addition, many are choosing to forego the traditional option (burial) and instead choosing to select the option that best accommodates their wants and needs.
While there are many reasons someone might choose cremation over burial, the simple answer comes down to six main things: cost, simplicity, flexibility, environmental concerns, cemetery availability, and religions becoming less strict.
As with most major purchases today, money is almost always a deciding factor for most people. When you look at the general price list for most funeral homes, you will often find that the cost of a cremation service is less than a burial service. On average, the price of a cremation service is around 45-50% cheaper than a burial service. Because there is no need to purchase items like a casket, vault, or headstone, families can use these savings to help the surviving family or offset the costs of the service. These savings can also be used to plan a more meaningful celebration of life or memorial service.
Many see cremation as a greener option for caring for their loved one's remains. Burial often uses harsh chemicals to embalm the remains for a funeral service. This leads to concerns that those chemicals can contaminate the environment. Burial also takes up land space and disturbs the earth by bury the casket. While a crematory does release emissions, new equipment is constantly being developed to reduce the pollution and environmental impact.
If a particular cemetery is a popular or desired place to be buried, eventually it will become full. More and more cemeteries are becoming completely full, and due to short supply of spaces the price of burial plots is in turn, increasing. Cremation allows you to avoid the trouble and stress of finding a burial plot.
Simplicity is another reason why cremation is better for most families. When planning a burial service for a loved one, you must spend time away from your family to select a cemetery, organize pallbearers, purchase a casket and complete many other tasks. Cremation offers a more simplified process which requires less of your time away from your family. This means you can spend the days following your loved one’s passing with family and friends as you comfort one another and mourn together.
A cremation service also allows for more flexibility. Since you can host a celebration of life or a memorial service weeks or even months after the cremation, you are not constrained by time. This means you can take your time to plan a more meaningful service and ensure guests can plan ahead and schedule themselves to be there. Furthermore, celebrations of life and memorial services do not operate on common traditions and rituals that traditional funerals do. Celebrations of life and memorial services give you the flexibility to make the ceremony much more personal and unique. They can take place almost anywhere and can take any type of format and style that you want.
Many people are starting to move away from tradition due to religions having a more relaxed stance on cremation. Catholics believe that the soul is immortal and does not depend on the physical body. Since cremation of the deceased's remains do not affect his or her soul, according to the Church, there are no doctrinal objections to the practice (Bryner, 2016). The less strict beliefs of the Catholic church are becoming another reason that people are choosing cremation rather than burial.
If you are still unsure if cremation is the right option for you or your loved one, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information regarding the benefits of cremation. We have helped many families choose why cremation is or is not the right choice for them and would be honored to assist you as well.
Jeanna Bryner, Vatican Issues New Cremation Guidelines for 'Faithfully Departed'; https://www.livescience.com/56632-vatican-issues-new-cremation-guidelines.html